Case Studies
DTX Pharma

Onne worked with management to rebrand the company’s short interfering RNA delivery platform as the groundbreaking FALCON (Fatty Acid Ligand Conjugated OligoNucleotides) platform. The brand created a recognizable standard in all company materials and pitches, and helped energize excitement about the potential of the technology.
“Onne Ganel really supported business development at DTx; he provided a key introduction to Eli Lilly, which later invested. He also arranged a meeting with the CMT Research Foundation (CMTRF), which inspired Artie to pursue Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) type 1A, the indication Novartis was excited about. CMTRF also provided funding to DTx for an initial validation project.”
Interview with Arthur Suckow, PhD, CEO, DTx Pharma, A Novartis Company

Blackrock Neurotech

Blackrock Neurotech are developers of implanted neurological chips. They required additional software capabilities to complement their team strengths. Initial conversations with several targets were already in place. OGAdvisors led the outreach and negotiations process, saving executives hundreds of hours while optimizing outcome. We created a prioritized target list, conducted multiple parallel conversations, created a defensible valuation model and built the business case for Blackrock Neurotech board. We also supported the negotiated price and business terms with MindX owners.
Term Sheet
Aegir Bio

Brought by investors to take a portfolio company, Abreos Biosciences, across the finish line for its joint venture opportunity with LifeAssays, a Swedish Point-of-Care device maker. The joint venture would commercialize a diagnostic assay for measuring toxicity of injectable biological medicines. OGAdvisors created a one-year operational plan, and five-year strategy and valuation models that enabled the joint venture to raise bridge for an eventual listing on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.